Track Warning Services

Ensuring Safety with Reliable Track Warning Services

Speak to our experts about your next project

“RSS Infrastructure (RSSI) has embedded safety procedures and principles into its operations. As a result of this approach, RSSI has made significant investments in Track Warning Services, including Automatic Track Warning Systems (ATWS) technology, to ensure that we can provide our clients with the most appropriate protection methods tailored to their specific needs. We can plan and install ATWS or any variants across the UK rail infrastructure.”

David Hodkinson, Head of Track Warning Services

RSS Infrastructure is the UK’s leading supplier of Track Warning Services and has invested in state-of-the-art technology that can increase safety and productivity. Our teams are experts in their field, dedicated to providing quality and safety with every installation on the network. Our experienced teams plan and install Automatic Track Warning Systems (ATWS) sites throughout the UK to meet clients’ needs. From planning to completion, we focus on exceptional service and support, helping ensure smooth and efficient rail operations.

Our Track Warning Systems

Our portfolio of Track Warning Services comprises a dedicated planning team conducting site surveys and safe work planning, as well as the installation of several track warning systems such as Automatic Track Warning System (ATWS), Semi-Automatic Track Warning System (SATWS), and Lookout Operated Warning System (LOWS), along with providing additional protection in line blockages. Moreover, we also utilise geofencing technology to ensure the safety of the workforce.

Improving Worker Safety and Productivity

Automatic Track Warning Systems (ATWS) are vital for improving track worker safety and productivity in the railway industry. They provide an audible and visual warning to workers of approaching trains or on-track vehicles, allowing them to move to a safe location and avoid the risk of accidents. Using ATWS helps improve worker safety and productivity by reducing setup and take-down time, maximising the time spent on tasks. Additional features such as remote monitoring, adaptable warning distances and integration with other systems enhance these systems’ safety and productivity benefits.

Daylight Working Reduces Fatigue

Furthermore, daylight working increases safety and efficiency, providing cost savings for contractors. We estimate that working conventionally during night-time line blockages results in up to a 70% drop in production while still paying the workforce 100% of their time. Working under a Track Warning System during daylight can increase productivity by over 100%, resulting in more paid hours and drastically reducing driver fatigue related to early-hours driving.

Contact Track Warning Services Division

For reliable project delivery, contact us today at 0330 113 0004. Led by David Hodkinson, our experienced team of Track Warning Services experts are ready to assist.


David Hodkinson

Head of Track Warning Services

Track Warning Services

Frequently Asked Questions

RSS Infrastructure offers three types of Track Warning Systems: Automatic Track Warning System (ATWS), Semi-Automatic Track Warning System (SATWS), and Lookout Operated Warning System (LOWS).

ATWS provides an audible and visual warning to workers of approaching trains or on-track vehicles, allowing them to move to a safe location and avoid the risk of accidents. Using ATWS helps improve worker safety and productivity by reducing setup and take-down time, maximizing the time spent on tasks.

Geofencing technology helps define safe and unsafe zones, site entrances, equipment locations, and more. Wearables are updated automatically and in real-time, keeping teams updated about changes to safe working zones. Crossing a geofence zone boundary activates audible, visual, and vibration alarms, and real-time notifications notify people of potentially dangerous situations, restoring situational awareness. As a technology, it combines well with Track Warning Systems to provide workers with additional protection.


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Track Warning Services

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Werrington Grade Separation was a railway construction project which involved the excavation and transportation of over 50,000m3 of soil and clay to construct a new dive-under underneath the East Coast Main Line.

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SATWS for Network Rail Newcastle DU | Track Warning Services | RSS Infrastructure
Track Warning Services

SATWS for Network Rail Newcastle DU

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