Geofencing Services

Geofencing in Rail: Transforming Trackside Safety

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RSS Infrastructure is your trusted partner in the innovative application of geofencing technology within the rail industry. Our mission is to elevate safety standards, boost operational efficiency, and deliver solid asset management and tracking solutions.

Introduction to Geofencing for Rail Sector Safety

Geofencing is a game-changing technology that defines a virtual perimeter using digital coordinates, mirroring a physical boundary. These virtual perimeters can be programmed to trigger events, such as alerts or notifications, when a user enters or exits the defined limit. In the rail industry, geofencing serves as a critical safety tool, aiding in preventing workforce accidents by enhancing situational awareness.

A Partnership for Rail Safety

Tended, an innovator in safety solutions, and RSS Infrastructure, a recognised leader in railway safety, are working in partnership to introduce geofencing technology to the rail sector. This game-changing collaboration will deliver greater flexibility and ease of deployment across projects.

Managed Service and Hire Options

This partnership includes the provision of geofencing as a managed service, short-term and dry-hire options as well as longer term rental opportunities. This means that geofencing can be easily deployed across a wide range of rail projects of varying duration and complexity.

High-Precision Geofencing for Rail Safety Solution

Our Geofencing for Rail solution provides real-time alerts for workers who leave safe working zones, helping them maintain a safe distance from hazards such as open lines. The ease of creating safe working zones using Tended’s Planning Dashboard, deploying wearables to increase situational awareness, and ultimately cultivating safer behaviours on worksites makes this solution a sustainable change agent.

Planning your Working Zones with Ease

Plan out your worksite quickly and efficiently with the Planning Dashboard. This online platform allows you to accurately map out safe working zones on your worksite, pinpoint locations using What3words, and dynamically start or stop zones to adapt to real-time changes. It provides flexibility in planning, setting up transient zones that change by time and date, and replicating your Safe System of Work (SSoW), significantly reducing planning time.

Track Protection Assets and Valuable Equipment

You can also accurately plot the position protection assets, such as marker boards, within the Planning Dashboard and compare their planned and live location to ensure their correct placement onsite. Rail specific overlays, including ELRs, miles and chains and line speeds allow for the accurate planning of safe zones, access points and routes for your teams.

Streamlining Operations with Geofencing

Our Geofencing for Rail solution helps streamline operations by providing full worksite visibility. With the asset tracking feature, you can ensure equipment is removed upon the completion of works, supporting the line clear verification process and identify any unsafe events, such as plant entering site on the wrong line. Access the Planning Dashboard from anywhere, on a desktop, laptop or tablet with internet connection.

Seamless Device Deployment

Tended’s geofencing Wearables require no additional infrastructure, saving project time. Quick to set up and designed to withstand harsh working environments, these Wearables can be easily mounted in various positions using a Klick Fast™ attachment. Once the site has been set live within the Planning Dashboard, workers simply need to collect their Wearable from the charging case before heading to site. Wearables are updated in real-time ensuring they are always updated with any worksite changes.

Dependable Device Reliability

The devices feature built-in fail-safe systems and offer reliable, durable service with multiple-shift battery life. With a typical accuracy of 16mm, wearers are alerted the moment they leave safe working limits. Our system leverages an extensive network of established beacons providing overlapping coverage across Europe, and proactive maintenance keeps device health and performance in check.

Cultivating Safer Behaviours

Access to analytics allows you to view safety data, identify trends, and inform future strategies. Our behavioural science team works with you to ensure a high level of participation and engagement. With resources such as workshops and materials from our behavioural scientists, we ensure your workforce is familiarised with the technology to help remove any engagement challenges.. Engaged workers then become advocates for the Wearables’ continued use onsite. Our commitment to continually updating the technology guarantees you always have access to new releases and features.

Geofencing for Rail is more than a service; it’s a commitment to safer, more efficient rail operations. Trust us to partner with you on this transformative journey.

Contact Geofencing Division

If you are interested in learning more about how Geofencing for Rail can enhance worker safety and operational efficiency, contact the team at RSS Infrastructure’s Track Warning Services division. Jason Fidoe, our Technical Manager, would happily discuss our Geofencing for Rail service with you. You can reach Jason at 0330 113 0004 or email

Jason Fidoe, Geofencing Technical Lead | Rail Safety | RSS Infrastructure

Jason Fidoe

Geofencing Technical Lead

Geofencing Services

At RSS Infrastructure, we offer a fully managed geofencing service, short-term hire, and comprehensive training. Our geofencing solution has received official product acceptance from Network Rail for use on rail infrastructure and is fully compliant with Network Rail’s new geofencing standard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Geofencing technology in the rail sector uses virtual boundaries called geofences to trigger specific actions when someone or something enters or exits a designated area. It works with GPS-enabled devices like wearables, which communicate with geofencing software.

Rail operators set up these virtual perimeters around areas within the rail infrastructure, such as work zones or hazardous locations. When a worker with a GPS-enabled device enters or exits these predefined geofenced areas, the system detects the movement and activates actions like sending real-time alerts or notifications to the worker or control centre.

The technology relies on GPS coordinates to define boundaries and monitor the location of workers and equipment in real time. This gives rail operators better visibility and control over their workforce, enabling them to enforce safety protocols, improve situational awareness, and respond promptly to potential safety hazards.

The benefits of geofencing technology in rail operations include:

Enhanced Safety: Geofencing provides real-time alerts to ensure workers stay within safe zones, reducing accidents and human errors.

Improved Efficiency: Real-time tracking optimizes resource allocation and work processes, minimizing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency.

Real-time Monitoring: Operators can monitor worker movements and intervene promptly in case of safety breaches or emergencies.

Valuable Data Insights: Geofencing generates data for analysing worker behaviour, hazard exposure, and safety compliance, enabling data-driven decision-making and targeted safety measures.

Theft Prevention and Asset Tracking: Geofencing enables real-time tracking of equipment, preventing theft and facilitating quick recovery if needed.

Geofencing technology significantly enhances safety culture in the rail sector by promoting awareness, reinforcing safe practices, empowering workers, and enabling proactive safety measures. It establishes virtual boundaries and safe work zones, ensuring clear communication of safety protocols and expectations. Workers receive real-time alerts when entering or exiting designated areas, fostering a proactive safety mindset.

Geofencing’s impact on safety culture:

Awareness: Real-time notifications increase workers’ awareness of hazards, enhancing situational awareness and encouraging safer decision-making.

Safe Practices: Alerts near restricted areas or hazards remind workers to adhere to safety protocols, reducing accidents from complacency or human error.

Empowerment: Workers receive real-time information, empowering them to make informed decisions and respond promptly to potential safety threats.

Compliance Monitoring: Geofencing enables monitoring of workers’ compliance with safety protocols, identifying areas for improvement and targeted training.

Overall, geofencing technology’s implementation in the rail sector fosters a stronger safety culture by promoting awareness, reinforcing safe practices, empowering workers, and enabling proactive safety measures.

Behavioural science plays a vital role in improving rail safety with geofencing technology. It leverages insights to positively influence worker behaviours and create safer work environments. Key roles of behavioural science in this context include:

Promoting Positive Safety Habits: Geofencing technology uses behavioural science principles to continuously remind workers of safe practices through real-time notifications, alerts, and reminders, thus establishing and reinforcing positive safety habits.

Increasing Situational Awareness: Behavioural science helps design geofencing systems that enhance workers’ situational awareness. Wearable devices integrated with geofencing technology provide real-time information about their location, proximity to hazards, and safety alerts, enabling informed decision-making and effective responses to potential safety risks.

Addressing Human Error: Geofencing technology, guided by behavioural science, offers timely notifications and warnings to workers when they deviate from safe work zones or approach hazardous areas. These interventions serve as effective reminders, reducing the likelihood of human errors and associated risks.

Positive Reinforcement: Behavioural science principles enable geofencing systems to provide positive reinforcement for safe behaviours. Workers adhering to safety protocols and staying within designated work zones may receive recognition or rewards through the system, encouraging the continuation of safe practices and contributing to a safer rail environment.

By incorporating behavioural science principles into geofencing technology, rail operators can effectively influence worker behaviour, reduce unsafe actions, and create a safer rail environment.

Geofencing technology improves situational awareness among rail workers through real-time location tracking, proximity alerts, hazard warnings, and emergency notifications. Here’s how it enhances situational awareness:

Real-time Location Tracking: GPS-enabled geofencing technology allows rail operators to track workers’ precise locations in real time. This information helps workers understand their position within the rail infrastructure, enabling safer navigation and hazard avoidance.

Proximity Alerts: Geofencing systems can be set to trigger alerts when workers approach restricted or hazardous areas. These timely reminders increase workers’ awareness of potential safety risks nearby.

Hazard Warnings: Geofencing technology integrates with hazard detection systems to provide real-time warnings about nearby dangers, such as moving trains or machinery. Workers receive these warnings via wearable devices, allowing them to take immediate action to prevent accidents.

Emergency Notifications: In emergencies, geofencing technology instantly notifies workers about the situation and provides safety instructions. This quick communication enhances situational awareness and ensures workers respond appropriately.

With geofencing technology, rail workers gain comprehensive awareness of their surroundings, potential risks, and critical updates. This heightened situational awareness empowers them to make informed decisions and maintain a safer working environment.

Real-time data from geofencing systems significantly improves rail safety by providing actionable insights, enabling proactive safety measures, and facilitating informed decision-making. Here’s how it enhances rail safety:

Immediate Risk Identification: Geofencing systems continuously collect data on worker movements and equipment locations. Analysing this real-time data helps identify immediate risks, like workers entering restricted areas or potential collision zones. Prompt detection allows for quick intervention to prevent accidents.

Timely Interventions: Real-time data triggers instant notifications or warnings to workers or the control centre. These timely interventions redirect workers from hazards, alert them to changing conditions, or dispatch emergency response teams. This reduces response time and enhances safety.

Worksite Monitoring: Geofencing provides real-time visibility into worker and equipment locations, enabling operators to monitor worksite conditions and optimize resource allocation for safety and efficiency.

Performance Evaluation: Geofencing captures data on worker behaviour and compliance with safety protocols. This data enables performance evaluation, training analysis, and targeted safety improvements.

By leveraging real-time data, rail operators proactively manage safety risks, respond promptly to changing conditions, and continuously improve safety practices. This empowers efficient and effective rail operations while ensuring the well-being of workers and maintaining a safe working environment.

Geofencing technology greatly impacts workers’ safety and well-being in the rail sector with the following key benefits:

Enhanced Safety: Real-time alerts and notifications inform workers about potential hazards and safety protocol violations, preventing accidents and reducing the risk of injuries due to human error.

Increased Situational Awareness: Geofencing systems with wearable devices provide workers with real-time location information and safety alerts, empowering them to make informed decisions and respond promptly to safety threats.

Proactive Interventions: Geofencing allows immediate interventions when workers deviate from safe zones or approach hazards, redirecting them to safer locations and promoting adherence to safety protocols.

Confidence and Peace of Mind: Geofencing technology boosts workers’ confidence and peace of mind, knowing that safety measures are actively enforced and their well-being is prioritized.

Timely Assistance in Emergencies: Geofencing facilitates rapid communication during emergencies, providing instant notifications and instructions to ensure workers’ safety and prompt response to critical incidents.

Geofencing technology significantly improves workers’ safety and well-being by enhancing situational awareness, enabling proactive interventions, and providing timely support in emergencies. It creates a safer and more secure work environment, positively impacting workers’ physical and mental well-being.

The future of geofencing technology in the rail sector is promising, with key aspects including:

Advanced Wearable Devices: Integrating geofencing with advanced wearables like AR glasses or smartwatches will enhance worker safety and situational awareness.

AI Integration: AI-driven analytics will process geofencing data, identifying patterns and predicting safety risks for proactive interventions.

IoT Integration: Geofencing will integrate with IoT devices, creating a network of connected sensors for real-time updates on equipment and worker movements.

Predictive Maintenance: Geofencing combined with predictive maintenance algorithms will monitor equipment and predict maintenance needs, reducing accidents from faulty equipment.

Data-driven Safety Training: Geofencing’s data analytics will enable personalized safety training programs based on worker behaviours and hazards exposure.

Integration with Autonomous Systems: Geofencing will define safe zones for autonomous technologies, ensuring adherence to safety protocols.

The future of geofencing in the rail sector promises safer, more efficient, and technologically advanced rail operations.

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